When I taught seminary for five years, I gained an appreciation for the depth of knowledge that can be obtained by a thorough study of the scriptures. The scriptures are like an onion. The surface read gives a good story. Read deeper and there is a moral to the story to apply to our lives. Read and cross-reference with associated scriptures and a broader picture of what is being taught can enrich our knowledge. Study by topic using all available sources, and things come to light you never thought of before. Connections can be made between topics that weren’t obvious with the first several readings. It will take a lifetime and beyond to understand all there is to gain from simple and more complex scripture study.
I wish I knew as a teenager or even a twenty-ager what I learned and started to apply as a seminary teacher. Just think of how much further ahead in my knowledge I could be now! My hope is that this book will start you on a journey of gaining knowledge (and applying it) so that you can have a strong knowledge of what this life is all about. God has given us the textbook and more. But He will not spoon-feed us the information we need. We have to find a desire to know and a will to work at knowing.
–end sample–
Table of Contents
- About the Author
- Foreword
- Chapter 1: Why Organized Religion?
- Chapter 2: Why Faith?
- Chapter 3: Why Repent?
- Chapter 4: Why Make and Keep Covenants?
- Chapter 5: Why Temples?
- Chapter 6: Why Prayer?
- Chapter 7: Why Sabbath Day Observance?
- Chapter 8: Why Perfection? (Can I be perfect?)
- Afterword: My Testimony
About the Author
Kelly G. Jones is a wife and the mother of six children. She has taught seminary, Sunday School, primary, women, and youth groups for more than thirty years. She has found that teaching directly from the Scriptures and words of the prophets is the most effective method. Jones’s hobbies and special interests include gardening, landscaping, and remodeling her home. She loves the beauty in the world and loves being a part of making it more beautiful. Jones is also part owner in a guardrail construction company and a farm/ranch. She loves her life and has found peace even in tumultuous times.
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