One of the oldest known gemstones in history, lapis lazuli contains multiple minerals including lazurite, diopside, calcite and pyrite. It has traditionally been associated with royalty, courage, wisdom, friendship and truth. It is believed to ward off evil.
(NOTE: This information is based on traditional, metaphysical usage and is not intended as medical advice. Always seek the advice of your medical provider if you are ill.)
Lapis lazuli is thought to help with:
- Purifying the blood and strengthening bone marrow
- Cleansing internal organs
- Hearing loss
- Supporting the immune system, nervous system, respiratory system, larynx, throat, thymus and thyroid
- Alleviating insomnia and promoting good sleep
- Lowering blood pressure
- Migraines
- Vertigo
Emotional & Energetic
- Protection
- Stimulating psychic abilities
- Fostering honesty, compassion, relaxation, self-expression and uprightness
- Supporting inner truth
- Taking charge of life
- Overcoming feelings of martyrdom and stress
Care Instructions: Clean lapis lazuli with lukewarm soapy water. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight, soaking in water for extended periods, and household cleaners. Do not use ultrasound or steam cleaners.
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